Friday 1 February 2013

Buttered Chicken w Potatoes

So first off, in here you can cook anything, they are great for fish!! Supermarkets do a fancy Fish in a bag for you now and this is exactly the same principle. Seal and Steam. Im doing buttered Chicken and potatoes.

5 min prep, 30 cooking
Serves 1
 Shopping List:

1 Lemon
Chicken Breast
1 Large Potato
2 sage leaves
Sprinkle of Parmesan

1. Prep. Thinly slice your potato (Needs to be thin), Half a lemon, Grate half a clove of garlic. Pick two sage leaves.
 2.Baking paper, About 24 inches. Rip
 3. Half. Fold.
 4. You want to cut a heart shaped circle out, Trust me I'm the worst in the world at anything like this. Just be confident.
 5. Pop in your potato, using one half of the baking paper circle. Season well. Sprinkle Half grated Garlic and a sprinkle of parmesan.
 6. Pop your meat or fish on the potatoes, 2 knobs of butter, sage, Season.
 7. Around your circle, like an envelope apply a bit of olive oil. this acts as a Seal. Start folding, every inch tucking in and doing it tight, its a bit fiddly but nothing serious. You will be left with a long bit hanging off once your done and thats good!
 8. Fold the excess underneath the bag and run your fingers along all the folds to make sure they are tight. Pop on the middle shelf of an oven, 200c 35 mins for chicken

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